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Dutch pronunciation British English speakers

This sound is used in words like waar (where), laat (late) and garen (thread/yarn).

This sound is used in words like niet (not), dier (animal) and kiezen (choose).

This sound is used in words like een (one), thee (tea) and lezen (read).

This sound is used in words like veer (feather), veel (much/many/a lot) and leren (learn).

This sound is used in words like we (we), de (the) and maken (make).

This sound is used in words like reizen (travel), mijn (my) and rijk (rich).

This sound is used in words like duur (expensive), huren (rent) and nu (now).

This sound is used in words like neus (nose) and keuken (kitchen).

This sound is used in words like deur (door), geul (trench) and kleuren (colours).

This sound is used in words like buiten (outside), thuis (at home) and suiker (sugar).