Dutch pronunciation other languages

Exercise 1: spelling 'r'
This sound is used in words like raam (window), rijden (drive) and waarom (why).

Exercise 2: spelling 'aa' or 'a'
This sound is used in words like waar (where), laat (late) and maken (make).

Exercise 3: spelling 'ie' (sometimes 'i')
This sound is used in words like niet (not), dier (animal) and kiezen (choose).

Exercise 4: spelling 'ee' or 'e'
This sound is used in words like een (one), thee (tea) and lezen (read).

Exercise 5: spelling 'ee' or 'e' (when followed by an ‘r’, ‘l’ or 'uw')
This sound is used in words like meer (more), veel (much/many/a lot) and leren (learn).

Exercise 6: spelling 'e' (sometimes 'ee'), unstressed
This sound is used in words like we (we), de (the) and maken (make).

Exercise 7: spelling 'ei' or 'ij'
This sound is used in words like reizen (travel), mijn (my) and rijk (rich).

Exercise 8: spelling 'uu' or 'u'
This sound is used in words like duur (expensive), huren (rent) and nu (now).

Exercise 10: spelling 'ui'
This sound is used in words like buiten (outside), thuis (at home) and suiker (sugar).